Qi Chen
Ph.D. Student @ Laval University
Address: PLT-3908, G1V 0A6, QC, Canada
Email: firstname[dot]lastname[dot]1[at]ulaval[dot]ca
[Google Scholar/ ResearchGate/ Github]

About me

I’m currently a Ph.D. student at Laval University, supervised by Prof. Mario Marchand. Prior to this, I worked as an R&D at Baidu and ByteDance successively. I obtained my master’s at Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Telecom Paris and my bachelor’s from Chien-Shiung Wu College, Southeast University in China.

My current research interests lean more toward theoretical machine learning. Specifically, I am working on theoretical aspects of meta-learning and other deep transfer learning methods. I am also interested in PAC Bayes theory, information-theoretic learning, and reinforcement learning.


  • [09/23] One paper was accepted to NeurIPS2023.
  • [09/23] Initial thesis submission completed.
  • [04/23] I passed my thesis proposal defense.
  • [01/23] One paper was accepted to AISTATS2023.
  • [10/22] One paper was accepted to NeurIPS2022.
  • [05/22] One paper was accepted to ICML2022.